Rabu, 30 November 2022

Physicists Create ‘the Smallest, Crummiest Wormhole You Can Imagine’ - The New York Times

In an experiment that ticks most of the mystery boxes in modern physics, a group of researchers announced on Wednesday that they had simulated a pair of black holes in a quantum computer and sent a message between them through a shortcut in space-time called a wormhole.

Physicists described the achievement as another small step in the effort to understand the relation between gravity, which shapes the universe, and quantum mechanics, which governs the subatomic realm of particles.

“This is important because what we have here in its construct and structure is a baby wormhole,” said Maria Spiropulu, a physicist at the California Institute of Technology and the leader of a consortium called Quantum Communication Channels for Fundamental Physics, which conducted the research. “And we hope that we can make adult wormholes and toddler wormholes step-by-step.”

In their report, published Wednesday in Nature, the researchers described the result in measured words: “This work is a successful attempt at observing traversable wormhole dynamics in an experimental setting.”

The wormhole that Dr. Spiropulu and her colleagues created and exploited is not a tunnel through real physical space but rather through an “emergent” two-dimensional space. The “black holes” were not real ones that could swallow the computer but lines of code in a quantum computer. Strictly speaking, the results apply only to a simplified “toy model” of a universe — in particular, one that is akin to a hologram, with quantum fields on the edge of space-time determining what happens within, sort of in the way that the label on a soup can describes the contents.

To be clear: The results of this experiment do not offer the prospect anytime soon, if ever, of a cosmic subway through which to roam the galaxy like Jodie Foster in the movie “Contact” or Matthew McConaughey in “Interstellar.”

“I guess the key question, which is perhaps hard to answer, is: Do we say from the simulation it’s a real black hole?” Daniel Jafferis, a physics professor at Harvard, said. “I kind of like the term ‘emergent black hole.’”

He added: “We are just using the quantum computer to find out what it would look and feel like if you were in this gravitational situation.” He and Alexander Zlokapa, a doctoral student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, are the lead authors of the paper.

Physicists reacted to the paper with interest and caution, expressing concern that the public and media would mistakenly think that actual physical wormholes had been created.

“The most important thing I’d want New York Times readers to understand is this,” Scott Aaronson, a quantum computing expert at the University of Texas in Austin, wrote in an email. “If this experiment has brought a wormhole into actual physical existence, then a strong case could be made that you, too, bring a wormhole into actual physical existence every time you sketch one with pen and paper.”

Daniel Harlow, a physicist at M.I.T. who was not involved in the experiment, noted that the experiment was based on a model of quantum gravity that was so simple, and unrealistic, that it could just as well have been studied using a pencil and paper.

“So I’d say that this doesn’t teach us anything about quantum gravity that we didn’t already know,” Dr. Harlow wrote in an email. “On the other hand, I think it is exciting as a technical achievement, because if we can’t even do this (and until now we couldn’t), then simulating more interesting quantum gravity theories would CERTAINLY be off the table.” Developing computers big enough to do so might take 10 or 15 years, he added.

Leonard Susskind, a physicist at Stanford University who was not part of the team, agreed. “They’re learning that they could do this experiment,” he said, adding: “The really interesting thing here is the possibility of analyzing purely quantum phenomena using general relativity, and who knows where that’s going to go.”

Albert Einstein stands with chalk in hand at a blackboard in 1934, looking at the mathematical equations he has written.
Albert Einstein at the Carnegie Institute of Technology, now known as Carnegie Mellon University, in Pittsburgh in 1934.Pictorial Press Ltd., via Alamy

Wormholes entered the physics lexicon in 1935 as one of the weirder predictions of Albert Einstein’s general theory of relativity, which describes how matter and energy warp space to create what we call gravity. That year Einstein and his colleague, Nathan Rosen, showed in a paper that shortcuts through space-time, connecting pairs of black holes, could exist. The physicist John Wheeler later called these connectors “wormholes.”

Originally it seemed that wormholes were effectively useless; theory held that they would slam shut the instant anything entered them. They have never been observed outside of science fiction.

A month earlier that same year, in 1935, Einstein, Rosen and Boris Podolsky made another breakthrough, one they thought would discredit the chancy nature of quantum mechanics. They pointed out that quantum rules permitted what Einstein called “spooky action at a distance.” Measuring one of a pair of particles would determine the results of measuring the other particle, even if the two were light-years apart. Einstein thought this prediction was absurd, but physicists now call it “entanglement” and use it every day in the lab.

Until a few years ago, such quantum tricks weren’t thought to have anything to do with gravity. As a result, physicists were left with no theory of “quantum gravity” to explain what happened when the realms of inner space and outer space collided, as in the Big Bang or inside black holes.

But in 2013 Juan Maldacena, a theoretical physicist at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, and Dr. Susskind proposed that these two phenomena — spooky action and wormholes — were actually two sides of the same coin, each described in a different but complementary mathematical language.

Those spooky, entangled particles, by this logic, were connected by equally mysterious wormholes. Quantum mechanics could be enlisted to study gravity, and vice versa. The equations that describe quantum phenomena turned out to have analogues in the Einsteinian equations for gravity.

“It’s mostly a matter of taste which description you use because they give exactly the same answer,” Dr. Jafferis said. “And that was an incredible discovery.”

In a quantum computer, physicists use a circuit of operations called gates to open a shortcut in an imaginary space between qubits representing two black holes and send messages and send messages between them.Andrew Mueller/INQNET

The recent wormhole experiment sought to employ the mathematics of general relativity to examine an aspect of quantum magic, known as quantum teleportation, to see if some new aspect of physics or gravity might be revealed.

In quantum teleportation, physicists use a set of quantum manipulations to send information between two particles — inches or miles apart — that are entangled in a pair, without the physicists knowing what the message is. The technology is expected to be the heart of a next-generation, unhackable “quantum internet.”

Physicists like to compare the teleportation process to two cups of tea. Drop a cube of sugar into one teacup, and it promptly dissolves — then, after a tick of the quantum clock, the cube reappears intact in the other teacup.

The experiment became conceivable after a pair of papers by Dr. Susskind and, independently, by Dr. Jafferis, Ping Gao of M.I.T., and Aron Wall, a theoretical physicist at the University of Cambridge. They suggested a way that wormholes could be made traversable, after all. What was needed, Dr. Gao and his collaborators said, was a small dose of negative energy at the exit end of the wormhole to prop open the hatch long enough for information to escape.

In classical physics, there is no such thing as negative energy. But in quantum theory, energy can be negative, generating an antigravitational effect. For example, so-called virtual particles, which flit in and out of existence using energy borrowed from empty space, can fall into a black hole, carrying a debt to nature in the form of energy that the black hole must then pay back. This slow leak, Stephen Hawking calculated in 1974, causes the black hole to lose energy and shrink.

When Dr. Spiropulu proposed trying to recreate this wormhole magic on a quantum computer, her colleagues and sponsors at the Department of Energy “thought I was completely nuts,” she recalled. “But Jafferis said, Let’s do it.”

One clue that the researchers were actually recording “wormholelike” behavior was that signals emerged from the other end of the wormhole in the order that they went in.Andrew Mueller/INQNET

In ordinary computers, including the phone in your pocket, the currency of calculation is bits, which can be ones or zeros. Quantum computers run on qubits, which can be 0 or 1 or anywhere in between until they are measured or observed. This makes quantum computers super powerful for certain kinds of tasks, like factoring large numbers and (maybe one day) cracking cryptographic codes. In essence, a quantum computer runs all the possible variations of the program simultaneously to arrive at a solution.

“We make uncertainty an ally and embrace it,” Dr. Spiropulu said.

To reach their full potential, quantum computers will need thousands of working qubits and a million more “error correction” qubits. Google hopes to reach such a goal by the end of the decade, according to Hartmut Neven, head of the company’s Quantum Artificial Intelligence lab in Venice, Calif., who is also on Dr. Spiropulu’s team.

The Caltech physicist and Nobel laureate Richard Feynman once predicted that the ultimate use of this quantum power might be to investigate quantum physics itself, as in the wormhole experiment.

“I’m excited to see that researchers can live out Feynman’s dream,” Dr. Neven said.

The wormhole experiment was carried out on a version of Google’s Sycamore 2 computer, which has 72 qubits. Of these, the team used only nine to limit the amount of interference and noise in the system. Two were reference qubits, which played the roles of input and output in the experiment.

The seven other qubits held the two copies of code describing a “sparsified” version of an already simple model of a holographic universe called SYK, named after its three creators: Subir Sachdev of Harvard, Jinwu Ye of Mississippi State University and Alexei Kitayev of Caltech. Both SYK models were packed into the same seven qubits. In the experiment these SYK systems played the role of two black holes, one by scrambling the message into nonsense — the quantum equivalent of swallowing it — and then the other by popping it back out.

“Into this we throw a qubit,” Dr. Lykken said, referring to the input message — the quantum analog of a series of ones and zeros. This qubit interacted with the first copy of the SYK qubit; its meaning was scrambled into random noise and it disappeared.

Then, in a tick of the quantum clock, the two SYK systems were connected and a shock of negative energy went from the first system to the second one, briefly propping open the latter.

The signal then reappeared in its original unscrambled form — in the ninth and last qubit, attached to the second SYK system, which represented the other end of the wormhole.

One clue that the researchers were actually recording “wormholelike” behavior, Dr. Lykken said, was that signals emerged from the other end of the wormhole in the order that they went in.

In a Nature article accompanying Dr. Jafferis’s paper, Dr. Susskind and Adam Brown, a physicist at Stanford, noted that the results might shed light on some still-mysterious aspects of ordinary quantum mechanics. For instance, after the sugar cube dissolves in the first teacup, why does it reappear in the other cup in its original form?

“The surprise is not that the message made it across in some form, but that it made it across unscrambled,” the two authors wrote.

The easiest explanation, they added, is that the message went through a wormhole, albeit a “really short” one, Dr. Lykken said in an interview. In quantum mechanics, the shortest conceivable length in nature is 10³³ centimeters, the so-called Planck length. Dr. Lykken calculated that their wormhole was maybe only three Planck lengths long.

“It’s the smallest, crummiest wormhole you can imagine making,” he said. “But that’s really cool because now we’re clearly doing quantum gravity.”

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2022-11-30 16:00:12Z

Tasmania: Fears and Anxieties in the Age of Science and Technology - Wire Service Canada

Have you ever thought about the huge amount of metal swirling above our heads? Should. Because sooner or later all that material orbiting in space can fall to Earth, like an asteroid shower. Or the migration of clouds towards the poles and leaving us at the mercy of ultraviolet radiation? Or to ailanthus, a shrub of Asian origin that spread menacingly across the planet “like one gigantic plant organism”, imposing itself on the rest of the vegetation and threatening its extinction?

How many visions have been announced! Global warming, Islamic terrorism, pandemics, the atomic threat, everything seems to bring us closer to the end of the world. Is this really our destiny? Is this the world we live in? Or is this what we prefer to believe in order to escape our true fears? And if the apocalypse is real, where do you find escape?

This is what Paolo Giordano (Strega Prize in 2008) proposes to himself in his new novel Tasmania (Einaudi, p. 258, €19.50), showing his alter ego in the midst of an existential crisis. It’s an idle question, of course, but here’s the answer: Tasmania. the reason? “It has a good supply of fresh water, it is in a democratic state and has no human predators. It is not very small but it is still an island, and it is very easy to defend it. Because we will have to defend ourselves, believe me.”

Paolo Giordano (credit Pierluca Esposito)

Drive out fear

Speaking is one of several characters crowded into the novel, Professor Novelli, a brilliant physicist who deals with climate models by studying clouds and who firmly believes the world is coming to an end. Obviously, even his answer is just a way of evading the question, expelling fear.

the end of the world

According to the Clock of the Apocalypse developed by a group of atomic scientists, we were approaching midnight, which symbolically coincides with Finis mundi: there are only two and a half minutes left. Although, strictly speaking, one should talk about the “end of human civilization”, something completely different. Because even if man were to disappear, “most other animal species wouldn’t even notice.” These are the words of Giacomo Leopardi, written two centuries ago. All this is true, of course, but with due caution. We live in the midst of danger, no one can deny it.

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2022-11-30 08:10:49Z

Selasa, 29 November 2022

Stellar Space Weather Effects On Potentially Habitable Planets - Astrobiology - Astrobiology News

Space Weather

Press Release


November 29, 2022

Stellar Space Weather Effects On Potentially Habitable Planets

Habitable Planet And Its Host Star


Stellar activity can reveal itself in the form of radiation (eg, enhanced X-ray coronal emission, flares) and particles (eg, winds, coronal mass ejections). Together, these phenomena shape the space weather around (exo)planets.

As stars evolve, so do their different forms of activity — in general, younger solar-like stars have stronger winds, enhanced flare occurrence and likely more frequent coronal mass ejections.

Altogether, these effects can create harsher particle and radiation environments for habitable-zone planets, in comparison to Earth, in particular at young ages. In this article, I will review some effects of these harsher environments on potentially habitable exoplanets.

A. A. Vidotto (Leiden Observatory)

Comments: Accepted for publication in the International Astronomical Union Proceedings Series. This contribution is based on the review talk I gave at the “Focus Meeting 5: Beyond the Goldilocks Zone: the Effect of Stellar Magnetic Activity on Exoplanet Habitability”, at the IAU General Assembly in Busan, Rep. of Korea (Aug 2022)
Subjects: Earth and Planetary Astrophysics (astro-ph.EP); Solar and Stellar Astrophysics (astro-ph.SR)
Cite as: arXiv:2211.15396 [astro-ph.EP] (or arXiv:2211.15396v1 [astro-ph.EP] for this version)
Focus to learn more
Submission history
From: Aline Vidotto
[v1] Mon, 28 Nov 2022 14:57:26 UTC (352 KB)

SpaceRef co-founder, Explorers Club Fellow, ex-NASA, Away Teams, Journalist, Space & Astrobiology, Lapsed climber.

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2022-11-29 17:13:02Z

NASA's Artemis mission reaches farthest distance from Earth - CHCH News

Orion has now traveled farther than any other spacecraft built for humans (Image courtesy/Johnson Space Center Flickr).

NASA’s Artemis mission reached its farthest distance from Earth on Monday.

Orion flew to its maximum distance from Earth during the Artemis I mission on flight day 13. It was 43,2210 kilometers away from our home planet.

Orion has now traveled farther than any other spacecraft built for humans.

“It’s incredible just how smoothly this mission has gone, but this is a test. That’s what we do – we test it and we stress it,” NASA Administrator Bill Nelson said.

NASA says the un-crewed spacecraft remains in healthy condition as it continues its journey in distant retrograde orbit. Orion was cruising at 2702 kilometers per hour just before 8 p.m. on Monday.

The Orion spacecraft has now travelled beyond the moon and is officially on track to return to Earth (Brian Dunbar/NASA).

The mission is expected to last 25.5 days total and teams are already preparing for the spacecraft’s return.

NASA’s Exploration Ground Systems team and the U.S. Navy are already beginning initial operations for recovery of Orion when it splashes down in the Pacific Ocean.

The team will deploy Tuesday for training at sea before their return to shore to make final preparations ahead of splashdown.

Visit NASA’s real-time Orion tracker to follow the mission around the moon and back in real time.

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2022-11-29 12:20:58Z

Senin, 28 November 2022

NASA celebrating after Orion spacecraft breaks record - WFAA

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2022-11-28 17:56:13Z

NASA's Artemis 1 Orion spacecraft reaches maximum distance from Earth today - Space.com

NASA's Artemis 1 mission will reach its maximum distance from Earth today.

Artemis 1, the first flight of the Artemis program, will see the Orion spacecraft get nearly 270,000 miles (435,000 kilometers) from Earth on Monday (Nov. 28), NASA officials wrote in a statement (opens in new tab).

Orion has already surpassed the previous farthest distance from Earth reached by a human-rated spacecraft on its journey around the moon. On Saturday (Nov. 26), the uncrewed capsule flew past the record-setting distance achieved by the Apollo 13 crewed command module, surpassing 248,655 miles (400,171 km) from Earth at about 8:40 a.m. EST (1340 GMT) that day.

Orion is an uncrewed journey around the moon to let NASA engineers assess the spacecraft's readiness ahead of human missions, which are currently planned to begin with the crewed Artemis 2 mission looping around the moon in 2024 or so.

In photos: Amazing views of NASA's Artemis 1 moon rocket debut

You can follow live views in real time either through this camera feed (opens in new tab), or as an animation, on this NASA website (opens in new tab). The animated website shows how far Orion is from Earth at any given moment.

The website shows Orion in space, along with its mission elapsed time, velocity, and distance from Earth and the moon. You can look at different views of the spacecraft by switching between solar array cameras or views of the mission track or spacecraft.

Orion is set to return to Earth on Dec. 11 with a splashdown in the Pacific Ocean, as long as the mission continues to go to plan.

Elizabeth Howell is the co-author of "Why Am I Taller (opens in new tab)?" (ECW Press, 2022; with Canadian astronaut Dave Williams), a book about space medicine. Follow her on Twitter @howellspace (opens in new tab). Follow us on Twitter @Spacedotcom (opens in new tab) or Facebook (opens in new tab).

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2022-11-28 16:00:53Z

Minggu, 27 November 2022

uOttawa prof helps explain ancient Earth's slow recovery from mass extinction uOttawa prof helps explain ancient Earth's slow recovery from mass extinction - capitalcurrent.ca

More than 250 million years ago, life on Earth nearly disappeared. 

In an event known as the Permian-Triassic extinction, about 95 per cent of all the species on the planet were wiped out. This wasn’t the only extinction event in Earth’s long history, but it’s one that’s been particularly puzzling to scientists. 

“Usually a mass extinction event happens — a meteorite hits or there’s a big volcanic eruption — and things disappear, but then they recover relatively fast,” says Clément Bataille, an associate professor in the University of Ottawa’s department of earth and environmental sciences. “What happened in this case is that for six million years after this mass extinction, nothing recovered.” 

For decades, researchers have been trying to figure out why it took so long for life to return to Earth after the catastrophic Permian-Triassic extinction. Now, new research from Bataille and his colleagues suggests that this protracted recovery was due to the extinction of important microorganisms.

Seeking answers

Bataille, along with Prof. Xiao-Ming Liu from the University of North Carolina and PhD student Cheng Cao (now a postdoctoral fellow at Nanjing University), set out to find answers to this question more than six years ago. Their conclusions appeared last month in the journal Nature Geoscience, in an article co-authored with six other researchers from the U.S., China and Denmark, along with an accompanying editorial highlighting the importance of their findings.

Bataille uses isotopes in his research to trace things such as the migration of existent animals. By doing this, it’s easier to understand how pollution can be traced back to its sources. 

Initially, the team believed the answer to their questions could be found in a process called weathering. Earth has maintained its habitability by regulating how much carbon dioxide ends up in the air through the process of weathering. 

‘The results were so surprising. I got those results six years ago, but we didn’t have the framework to explain the results.’

— Prof. Clément Bataille, earth scientist, University of Ottawa

“When we started the study, we wanted to say, OK, maybe something happened with this weathering process that was affecting the climate,” said Batatille. 

However, when they looked at the mass extinction, Bataille and the other researchers realized there had to be something else that was making isotope values so low.  

“The results were so surprising. I got those results six years ago, but we didn’t have the framework to explain the results,” says Bataille, adding that his team had to wait for the field to evolve before they could confirm their suspicions. 

They found that the opposite reaction was happening, creating reverse weathering. This happens when carbon is released into the atmosphere and is not getting trapped by rock, explaining why isotope values decreased. 

Bataille explains that our oceans today have very little to no silicon in them because one little microorganism, known as a diatom, uses almost all of the silicon found in oceans to make its shell. 

“In the past, this microorganism had not evolved yet and there were some other microorganisms that were capable of making silicone shells called radiolarians,” said Bataille. “But they (radiolarians) disappeared at the moment of this big mass extinction — they were one of the first microorganisms to disappear.”

With this microorganism gone, silicon continued to build up and began to form into clay.

“Instead of trapping a molecule of CO2 in the ocean, it’s actually releasing a molecule of CO2,” said Bataille.

Earth couldn’t get back to a normal state of self-regulation, potentially explaining why it took so long for life to return to the planet. This process is similar to the greenhouse effect, in which CO2 is released into the atmosphere and heats up the planet.

“Only because this microorganism disappeared, one little microorganism or one little group of microorganisms that were able to lock everything, and to keep the old cycles in check basically, are not there anymore,” said Bataille.

Bataille and his colleagues’ research potentially fills in many knowledge gaps about the era, says Hana Jurikova, a research fellow at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland, who studies the co-evolution of climate, environment and life on Earth. Jurikova also wrote an accompanying editorial for the study. “It definitely brings us forward,” says Jurikova. “They’ve done the work that hadn’t been done and was needed.”

This research does two important things to advance the field, she says. 

‘When I saw this (study), I was really excited, because I feel like it was a really important record that we’ve been missing for a long time.’

— Hana Jurikova, research fellow, University of St. Andrews, Scotland

First, it provides scientists with a new lithium-isotope record that spans the whole of the Permian period, something that’s not easy to produce. “You need to be very careful when it comes to picking your samples and screening them and also making sure that all of your laboratory methods are really sound,” says Jurikova. “So, when I saw this (study), I was really excited, because I feel like it was a really important record that we’ve been missing for a long time.”

This is also the first piece of evidence that suggests that the process of reverse weathering was happening in the Permian period, says Jurikova. 

Now, it will be up to researchers to continue to build upon and prove the findings of this study. “I think it’s really exciting evidence that still needs to be proved and hopefully further studies will kind of prove and follow up on that,” says Jurikova.

Small but mighty

One important thing this study does, shows how interconnected the entirety of the planet is, says Bataille. Even small and seemingly insignificant lifeforms, like diatoms, can heavily influence the climate and habitability of the entire planet. 

“I mean, we would not be here, we would not be able to respire our oxygen if it was not for trees or cyanobacteria that evolved millions or billions of years ago. Our oceans cannot be habitable without those little diatoms that we have currently, and we don’t think about them — but they actually regulate all those biochemical cycles,” he says.

Attention is paid to larger organisms that go extinct, says Bataille, but small microorganisms that are crucial to our own survival are often overlooked in conversations about conservation. This research is just another example of why it’s important to care for our planet and pay attention to small organisms that can have massive impacts, he says. 

While Bataille and his colleagues’ research furthers our understanding of Earth, it also helps us better understand the workings of extraterrestrial planets. “There are many reasons for staring at past climates, and one of them is simply to understand the habitability of planets,” Bataille says.

By having a comprehension of the history of habitability on our own planet, we may more easily determine habitability elsewhere in the universe, Bataille says. 

By using powerful new tools like the James Webb Space Telescope, scientists can look at the atmospheric composition of other planets and compare them to the atmosphere of Earth at different points in history. If a planet’s atmosphere is mostly composed of CO2, we can estimate that it is acting similarly to the Earth when its atmosphere was mostly composed of CO2, says Bataille. 

“So this atmosphere tells you a lot about where the planet is at in terms of habitability, because there is a very clear sequence of events in the history of our planets that lead to life, that lead to habitability,” he says.

What’s next

Bataille started on this project as a postdoctoral scholar in 2016, and since then his research interests have changed. 

He’s still using isotopes to understand life on our planet in the distant past, but now he’s tracing animal migration patterns from millions of years ago. This new research may help us better understand animal extinction, says Bataille. 

“I think it’s a nice view of the independence that profs have,” says Bataille, adding that he’s able to work on topics that interest him but also hold relevance to important discussions on conservation and climate.

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2022-11-27 17:30:25Z

See the Far Side of the Moon: Incredibly Detailed Pictures From Artemis I Orion Close Lunar Flyby - SciTechDaily

The Earth is seen setting from the far side of the Moon just beyond the Orion spacecraft in this video taken on the sixth day of the Artemis I mission by a camera on the tip of one of Orion’s solar arrays. The spacecraft was preparing for the Outbound Powered Flyby maneuver which would bring it within 80 miles of the lunar surface, the closest approach of the uncrewed Artemis I mission, before moving into a distant retrograde orbit around the Moon. The spacecraft entered the lunar sphere of influence on Sunday, November 20, making the Moon, instead of Earth, the main gravitational force acting on the spacecraft. Credit: NASA

On the sixth day of the Artemis I mission, Orion made a close flyby of the Moon, passing about 81 miles (130 km) above the surface. During the close flyby, Orion’s optical navigation camera captured black-and-white images of craters on the Moon below. Orion uses the optical navigation camera to capture imagery of the Earth and the Moon at different phases and distances, providing an enhanced body of data to certify its effectiveness under different lighting conditions as a way to help orient the spacecraft on future missions with crew.

The Earth and Moon are tidally locked, which means that the Moon spins on its axis exactly once each time it orbits our planet. Because of this, people on Earth only ever see one side of the Moon. In fact, humans didn’t see the lunar far side until a Soviet spacecraft flew past in 1959. This side we never see is known as the “far side of the Moon.” Sometimes it is called the “dark side of the Moon,” which some people consider a misnomer because it gets just as much sunlight as the near side of the Moon. However, “dark” in this case is referring to unknown, rather than a lack of light.

Here are the detailed images of the Moon captured by Orion’s optical navigation camera:

Orion Far Side of Moon 1Orion Far Side of MoonOrion Far Side of Moon 2 Orion Far Side of Moon 3 Orion Far Side of Moon 5 Orion Far Side of Moon 6 Orion Far Side of Moon 7 Orion Far Side of Moon 8 Orion Far Side of Moon 9 Orion Far Side of Moon 10 Orion Far Side of Moon 11 Orion Far Side of Moon 12 Orion Far Side of Moon 13 Orion Far Side of Moon 14 Orion Far Side of Moon 15

NASA’s live coverage of the Artemis I Close Flyby of the Moon.

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2022-11-27 14:06:26Z

NASA's Artemis 1, Over 400,000 Kms From Earth, Sets A New Record - NDTV

NASA's Artemis 1, Over 400,000 Kms From Earth, Sets A New Record
New Delhi:

NASA's Artemis 1 Orion has set a new record for the spacecraft designed to carry humans to deep space by travelling 419,378 kilometres from Earth. The record was previously set during the Apollo 13 mission at 248,655 miles from our home planet.

For the next six days, Orion will remain in lunar orbit. It will then put the spacecraft on a trajectory back to Earth, followed by a Sunday, December 11, splashdown in the Pacific Ocean, a press release by NASA said.

NASA, in a build-up to the landmark event, said, “Today, NASA Orion Spacecraft will break the record for farthest distance of a spacecraft designed to carry humans to deep space and safely return them to Earth. This record is currently held by Apollo 13.” The text was attached to a video featuring the Apollo astronauts and flight directors who spoke about the future of Artemis. Take a look: 

NASA is expected to use innovative measures to learn more about the Moon's South Pole. The agency will also try to understand the lunar surface with the help of the Gateway Space Station in orbit, the press note added.  

The spacecraft has a sensor named Commander Moonikin Campos attached to it. It will help provide information on what crew members may experience in flight. The Campos is named after Arturo Campos, the key player in bringing Apollo 13 safely back to Earth. 

Answering questions at a discussion conducted by NASA on Twitter,  Jim Geffre, Orion's spacecraft integration manager, said,  "Artemis 1 was designed to stress the systems of Orion and we settled on the distant retrograde orbit as a really good way to do that."

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2022-11-27 11:29:02Z

Sabtu, 26 November 2022

Martian Lake - Stardate.org

The landing site of the Perseverance Mars rover could have been quite comfortable about three-and-a-half billion years ago. The rover discovered organic compounds — the chemical building blocks of life — in sediments in an ancient riverbed. The rock layers where the compounds were found suggest the environment would have been favorable for life.

Jezero Crater is 28 miles across. And in the distant past, it was filled with water. Scientists had expected it to be paved with layers of sediment, which form as rocks and grit in the water settle to the bottom and cement together. Instead, the rover’s instruments have found that most of the rock on the crater floor was formed by volcanic processes.

Sedimentary rocks do form the river delta, which was deposited when Mars was warmer and wetter than it is today. Analysis of rocks at a formation named Wildcat Ridge revealed the organic compounds.

Perseverance will spend many months examining the delta. And it’s storing samples of the sediments for return to Earth, where scientists can check more thoroughly for evidence of ancient life.

Mars is a stunner right now. It’s passing especially close to Earth, so it outshines everything that’s currently in the night sky except the Moon and the planet Jupiter. It looks like a brilliant orange star. It’s low in the east-northeast as the sky gets fully dark, and climbs high across the sky later on.

More about Mars tomorrow.

Script by Damond Benningfield

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2022-11-26 16:50:53Z

Martian Lake - Stardate.org

The landing site of the Perseverance Mars rover could have been quite comfortable about three-and-a-half billion years ago. The rover discovered organic compounds — the chemical building blocks of life — in sediments in an ancient riverbed. The rock layers where the compounds were found suggest the environment would have been favorable for life.

Jezero Crater is 28 miles across. And in the distant past, it was filled with water. Scientists had expected it to be paved with layers of sediment, which form as rocks and grit in the water settle to the bottom and cement together. Instead, the rover’s instruments have found that most of the rock on the crater floor was formed by volcanic processes.

Sedimentary rocks do form the river delta, which was deposited when Mars was warmer and wetter than it is today. Analysis of rocks at a formation named Wildcat Ridge revealed the organic compounds.

Perseverance will spend many months examining the delta. And it’s storing samples of the sediments for return to Earth, where scientists can check more thoroughly for evidence of ancient life.

Mars is a stunner right now. It’s passing especially close to Earth, so it outshines everything that’s currently in the night sky except the Moon and the planet Jupiter. It looks like a brilliant orange star. It’s low in the east-northeast as the sky gets fully dark, and climbs high across the sky later on.

More about Mars tomorrow.

Script by Damond Benningfield

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2022-11-26 16:07:52Z

Martian Lake - Stardate.org

The landing site of the Perseverance Mars rover could have been quite comfortable about three-and-a-half billion years ago. The rover discovered organic compounds — the chemical building blocks of life — in sediments in an ancient riverbed. The rock layers where the compounds were found suggest the environment would have been favorable for life.

Jezero Crater is 28 miles across. And in the distant past, it was filled with water. Scientists had expected it to be paved with layers of sediment, which form as rocks and grit in the water settle to the bottom and cement together. Instead, the rover’s instruments have found that most of the rock on the crater floor was formed by volcanic processes.

Sedimentary rocks do form the river delta, which was deposited when Mars was warmer and wetter than it is today. Analysis of rocks at a formation named Wildcat Ridge revealed the organic compounds.

Perseverance will spend many months examining the delta. And it’s storing samples of the sediments for return to Earth, where scientists can check more thoroughly for evidence of ancient life.

Mars is a stunner right now. It’s passing especially close to Earth, so it outshines everything that’s currently in the night sky except the Moon and the planet Jupiter. It looks like a brilliant orange star. It’s low in the east-northeast as the sky gets fully dark, and climbs high across the sky later on.

More about Mars tomorrow.

Script by Damond Benningfield

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2022-11-26 06:20:56Z

Jumat, 25 November 2022

Our neighbouring black hole - Skywatching - Castanet.net

Black holes are rather menacing objects.

Stars, planets, dust and any other material getting too close fall in. There is an intense flash of radiation and nothing comes back out. There are black holes with masses millions of times that of the sun at the centres of galaxies like ours. There are lots of less massive and much smaller black holes around, formed during the final collapse and explosion of dying massive stars.

Astronomers believe there are about 100 million of these scattered around our galaxy. This suggests there could be one or two quite close to us. In fact, one has just been discovered. It lies around 1600 light-years away. That is close. Some of the stars we see in the night sky with our unaided eyes are more distant than that.

This new discovery has not been seen directly; black holes are small and black, invisible against the black background sky. We are forced to use indirect methods in the search. Black holes are probably the most bizarre objects in nature. However, the recipe for making them is simple: a mass of material, gravity, and some initial compression to start the shrinkage.

The strength of the gravity on the surface of a body depends on two things: its mass and its size. For a given mass, the smaller the size the stronger the gravitational force trying to make the body shrink. If we compress something enough, its gravity becomes stronger than the body's ability to resist compression, so it shrinks. As the shrinkage proceeds the gravity gets stronger, and the shrinkage continues.

Our current understanding, derived from observation of other things in the universe and what we can do in the lab does not tell us where this runaway shrinkage will end. At some point in the shrinkage the gravity at the surface of the body becomes so intense that not even light can get out. If this is the case, then how can we find these objects?

One method is to look at the X-ray, light and other radiation given off by material as it spirals in and disappears into the hole. The radio images we have of black holes show a dark, roughly central area surrounded by a glowing ring. This method works when the black hole is consuming nearby stars, planets and other material.

However, there are many black holes that are not "feeding" and not producing observable radiation. These are referred to as "dormant" black holes. In this case we search for stars that are orbiting objects that have the right masses to be black holes but are otherwise invisible.

We see stars in the core of our galaxy in close orbits around the central black hole. By measuring these orbits we can estimate the mass of the object they are orbiting. This works on a smaller scale too. Many stars are members of multiple star systems, with two or more stars born together and staying together, orbiting around each other.

If one star of one of these systems is invisible, perhaps because it has become a black hole, its presence and mass can be determined by analyzing the orbits of its visible siblings. That is how this nearby black hole was discovered.

Astronomers discovered a star that was orbiting around something invisible. After careful observations using different astronomical instruments the unseen object was identified as a black hole. However, there is still a problem. The star orbiting with the black hole is a sun-like star.

It appears that two stars were born together; one was much more massive than the other. The massive one shone very brightly for a few million years and then blew up, ending up as a black hole.

The other star had a mass similar to that of the Sun. Such stars survive for billions of years. It must have been around when the massive star blew up. Since the stars lie close together, about the distance between the Sun and Earth, the sun-like star should have been destroyed.

How it survived the explosion is a major puzzle.


After sunset, Jupiter lies in the south-east and Saturn in the south. Mars rises later. The Moon will reach its first quarter on Nov. 30.

This article is written by or on behalf of an outsourced columnist and does not necessarily reflect the views of Castanet.

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2022-11-25 12:00:00Z

Moon and Space Cheerleaders, Forli Guides (from the Aerospace Engineering Campus, UniBo) • Canal Gianella - Wire Service Canada

TheOn February 13, 2012, ALMASat, the first small satellite entirely designed and built by the University of Bologna, was launched into orbit at its young branch in Forlì. Since March 2015, advanced aerodynamics have been studied, according to the Forli researchers, in CICLoPE, a 60-meter wind tunnel constructed from the former Officine Caproni. Back in 2018 Curti srl tested on its chopper, exhalation, the first ballistic parachute designed for a helicopter. In the project, Forli researchers oversaw the creation of a remote command system. Pick up your smartphone and find the city of Forlì, in the heart of Romania, on the popular interactive map app. With sufficient magnification, in the southeast area of ​​the city, near the airport, one can find the College of Aeronautical Engineering, and scrolling a little higher, one will finally come to a gray parallelepiped, of very dubious aesthetic value, which is commonly called the “Workers”TechnopoolIt would be amazing to know that there, in that point of our beloved Little Italy, there is a center of excellence in aviation and space research, from collaborations with the European Space Agency, the European Space Agency, to the development of autonomous flight systems and beyond.. But that’s not all. Thing: The College of Engineering in Forlì, the young satellite of the most sacred and most revered Bolognese alma mater, produces young engineers and researchers of enviable scientific-technical value.

I make this assumption to present my very personal (and highly questionable) opinion regarding young and small Italian universities, their teaching quality and some advantages and advantages, perhaps obvious, compared to more cohesive and giant universities and courses. It would be a proposal to the city, or perhaps an idea of ​​a better level of training and postgraduate possibilities, but today, more than ever, young people who have “matured” when faced with the choice of university, tend to focus on the most impressive, both in terms of history or the number of members, which are headquartered in major Italian cities.

On the other hand, if one could only appreciate this tendency in boys and girls to open themselves to greater truths and to seek “beyond”, it would sometimes be appropriate to reconsider some of the strategic advantages that a young university, or even a regional one, can offer. requester. What can be created in studios of the most modest dimensions, in fact, is an incomparable sense of home, welcome and collaboration. Everything is measured and tailored to the student, from the professors, who really only have a numerical relationship, and often have a more direct exchange with the students, to the students themselves, who know each other practically, and become real hosts. social communication. Besides, the level of teaching is often not lower than that of the “older brothers”, and also in terms of research, for those who are fearless who choose this pleasant walk over burning coals, the possibility of having a role, and some gratification, within an environment Content, is in my opinion more realistic.

Finally, if it is true that in terms of “firepower”, understood as collaborations and economic potential, historical faculties have an advantage, then among the younger ones there is no shortage of ability to grow and weave the threads of growing strength with companies and research institutions in the region. An example of excellence in this is the aforementioned Faculty of Aeronautical Engineering based in Forlì, which was recently visited by a group of reporters from UGIS (Union of Italian Science Journalists). Founded in the 1990s, the college now constitutes an excellent training and research center in continuous growth and development. Research activities today cover a wide range of aerospace investigation areas: from innovative technologies to artificial intelligence, from propulsion to experimental aerodynamics, from autonomous driving systems to space science and technology. In a period when distance learning, by reducing the costs associated with living away from home in large cities, has implicitly hurt some smaller universities, it has proven expedient to reassess universities/colleges and courses, at their actual potential, perhaps even lower. Famous and younger, but willing to give the best to their students and researchers

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2022-11-25 07:56:44Z

Kamis, 24 November 2022

The Canadian tech leading path to moon living - CTV News

On Nov. 14, the federal government awarded a $43 million contract to Canadensys Aerospace Corporation to build Canada's first lunar rover.

Partnering with the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) and NASA, Candensys Aerospace is a part of the Commerical Lunar Payload Services. The rover is due to land on the moon's south polar region as early as 2026, according to a press release from the CSA.

Canadensys Aerospace will create the rover to operate in full darkness surviving lunar night which can last up to 14 Earth days.

Located in Bolton, Ont., Canadensys Aerospace is starting to engineer and build the rover to explore the moon for water ice as part of an international mission that’s been ongoing for decades.

"The moon is a very difficult place, because it's very cold with nighttime temperatures of minus 200 Celsius, daytime temperatures of plus 100," Candensys Aerospace CEO Christian Sallaberger told CTV's Your Morning on Thursday.

"Crazy temperature swings, but also high radiation environment, it's just a difficult place to design things (for)."

The moon's southern region is particularly difficult to explore due to its relative position to the sun. While the sun shines continuously on the peak of craters near the lunar south pole, sunlight never reaches inside the craters, leaving them in permanent shadow.

The challenging environment on the moon forces scientists and engineers to create lunar-safe products to withstand extreme temperatures.

"There's no atmosphere on the moon, so you can't use air pneumatic rubber tires, "Sallaberger said. "So we have compliant wheels that use mechanical mechanisms to give you that bounce that you would expect in a tire."

The rover will carry several "scientific payloads" that include devices and sensors to collect lunar data. Five payloads are from Canada and one from the United States.

One of the payloads, provided by Bubble Technology Industries from Chalk River, Ont., can detect iron and calcium and the presence of hydrogen that can help scientists locate water ice.

Besides building the rover, Canadensys will create three payloads: a Lyman-Alpha Imager to identify surface water ice, a Multi-Spectral Imager to identify minerals on the moon, and an MSI-Macro to collect similar data through mineralogy but with a higher resolution. Radiation will be measured with a device from Teledyne DALSA, a Waterloo, Ont. company.

"We've got two objectives really," Sallaberger said. "The engineering side… preparing for eventually larger rovers and human missions. But on the scientific side, the main goal is looking for water."

For humans to live long-term on the moon, there needs to be a sustainable water source. Sallaberger says the moon's south pole is likely to have water ice in the shadowed craters.

"It's just very exciting to be part of this endeavour of humanity, returning to the moon and increasing the socio-economic sphere of Earth," Sallaberger said.

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2022-11-24 16:20:09Z

Artemis 1's Orion capsule snaps close-up photos of the moon - Space.com

The moon looks spectacular in images captured by NASA's Orion spacecraft as it cruised just 81.1 miles (130 kilometers) above the lunar surface during the Artemis 1 mission's closest approach to Earth's natural satellite on Monday (Nov. 21).

These detailed black and white images were snapped by the Orion spacecraft's onboard optical navigation camera on day 6 of the mission, the same day it performed a crucial engine burn

Orion is currently gearing up for a critical maneuver that will insert the capsule into a high orbit around the moon on Friday (Nov. 25). The capsule will perform a single-engine burn and all being well, will remain in lunar orbit for about one week before embarking on its journey back to Earth. The spacecraft is scheduled to splashdown in the Pacific Ocean off the California coast on Dec. 11. 

Related: NASA's Artemis 1 moon mission: Live updates 

These detailed black and white images were snapped by the Orion spacecraft's onboard optical navigation camera on day 6 of the mission, the same day it performed a crucial engine burn

Orion has been busy capturing images of Earth and the moon at different phases and distances to test the effectiveness of its optical navigation camera under different lighting conditions as a way to aid spacecraft orientation during future crewed missions, according to the image descriptions on NASA's Flickr account (opens in new tab)

Related stories:

Artemis 1 is a trailblazing mission designed to test the readiness of the Orion Spacecraft and NASA's giant Space Launch System (SLS) rocket for future missions of the Artemis program

All being well, the pair could fly astronauts to the vicinity of the moon as early as 2024 — the first time since 1972 — during Artemis 2

Around a year or two later, Artemis 3 will land astronauts near the moon's south pole.

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2022-11-24 13:19:20Z