Senin, 11 Januari 2021

ATLANTIC SKIES: The moon, Earth's closest neighbour, provides plenty of opportunities for astronomers - The Journal Pioneer

As we all know, the moon is the brightest object in the night sky.

Except during its new moon phase, the moon can, weather permitting, be viewed any night throughout the year, making it an ideal object for observation with a telescope or a set of binoculars.

Although people typically divide the moon's phases into four - first quarter, full, last quarter, and new - there are two other varying phases, crescent and gibbous, that also occur.

Monthly moon orbit

As the moon moves out from between the Earth and the sun, when it is at its new moon phase, sunlight will begin to illuminate the western (right-hand) edge of the moon's surface facing Earth. Remember, we only see one face or side of the moon, due to it being "tidally locked" - the spinning period of the moon is almost the same that it takes for the moon to orbit around the Earth in a month.

Depending on the moon's position in the evening sky, this extremely thin crescent of sun-lit lunar surface - called a "young moon" - can sometimes be seen. This where the phrase "the old moon in the new moon's arms" comes from.

The slowly increasing crescent is called a "waxing crescent" moon. The soft glow on the barely visible dark portion of the moon is referred to as "earthshine" - sunlight reflects off the Earth's sun-lit side and hits the un-lit portion of the moon's face pointed towards Earth. As the sun-lit portion of the moon increases, "earthshine" becomes harder to see.

A look at the phases of the moon. - 123RF Stock
A look at the phases of the moon. - 123RF Stock


As the moon continues its orbit around the Earth, each subsequent night illuminates more of the lunar surface, increasing the size of the crescent until half the lunar surface is illuminated - the first quarter phase. As the illuminated portion continues to grow (from right to left), it is referred to as a "waxing gibbous" moon, until the entire surface of the face of the moon oriented towards Earth is illuminated for the full moon phase.

After the full moon, the entire process begins again in reverse, with the moon's western (right-hand) edge beginning to fall into shadow. That part of the moon doesn't receive any sunlight as it orbits around the Earth.

As the sun-lit portion decreases ("wanes") and the shadow portion (moving from right to left) covers more and more of the lunar surface, the phases are reversed, with a "waning gibbous" moon (sun-lit portion still largest), followed by the last quarter moon (lunar surface equally divided between sunlight (on the left) and shadow (on the right), then the "waning crescent" moon (on the left), and finally back to the new moon (none of the lunar surface facing Earth is illuminated).

What to watch

There is an incredible array of lunar features to be seen when viewing the moon. However, unless using a "lunar filter," which reduces the amount of sunlight striking your eye through your telescope, looking at the full moon is usually not a good time to observe it, as viewing the full-lit lunar surface through your scope or binoculars is comparable to looking into a flashlight.

Rather, the best time to view the moon is at or just past the first quarter phase, at or just before the last quarter phase, or around the time of the crescent phases. Lunar features (mountains, valleys, rifts, and craters) are best seen when the sun's light strikes these features at a low angle (versus directly on, as during a full moon), creating clear, sharply defined areas of light and dark.

Some of the more prominent and famous lunar features are the impact craters Copernicus (left side of the moon) and Kepler (to the left of Copernicus); the Apennine Mountains (in the north, between Mare Imbrium - Latin for "Sea of Rains") and Mare Serenitatis ("Sea of Serenity"); the Alpine Valley (north-central area); the Caucasus Mountains (along the northern edge of Mare Serenitatis); Mare Tranquillitatis ("Sea of Tranquility", where Apollo 11, the first manned landing on the moon took place on July 20, 1969); Mare Frigoris ("Sea of Cold", in the north); and the heavily-cratered area in the south between Mare Nubium ("Sea of, Clouds", on the left) and Mare Nectaris ("Sea of Nectar", on the right).

A good lunar map (go online) will show countless other geographical features of the moon, enough to keep you interested and occupied for months. If you haven't looked at the moon through a telescope or binoculars, you should give it a try some clear night; you'll be amazed at what can be seen on the surface of our nearest celestial neighbour.

This week's sky

Venus (magnitude -3.9) is visible in the southeast pre-dawn sky for a short while this week. Look for the thin, crescent moon to the right of Venus on the morning of Jan. 11 as the planet rises around 6:40 a.m.

Mercury, Jupiter, and Saturn continue to put on a show this coming week. On Jan. 11, look for the three planets low above the southwest horizon just after sunset (around 5:20 p.m.), with Jupiter (magnitude -1.9) the brightest of the three, Mercury (magnitude +1.5) to the lower left, and Saturn (magnitude +0.6) to the lower right. On Jan. 15, the three planets will form a shallow arc above the southwest horizon just after sunset, with Mercury now the uppermost planet.

As the planets are fairly low in the sky, they may be hard to see in the post-sunset glow; an unobstructed view of the horizon and a set of binoculars would greatly assist in locating the planets before they set. A great photo op presents itself on the evening of Jan. 14, with a young crescent moon near the planets.

Until next week, clear skies.


  • Jan. 11 - Crescent Moon to right of Venus (low in SE, pre-dawn)
  • Jan. 13 - New Moon
  • Jan. 14 - Thin crescent moon near Mercury and Jupiter (low in the southwest post-sunset)
  • Jan. 15 - Mercury, Jupiter, and Saturn form arc (low in the southwest post-sunset)

Glenn K. Roberts lives in Stratford, P.E.I., and has been an avid amateur astronomer since he was a small child. He welcomes comments from readers at [email protected].


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2021-01-11 17:57:40Z

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