Selasa, 07 September 2021

Global Internet Will Likely Blackout For Months After A Bad Solar Storm! - Mashable India

Solar storms – when massive of charged particles and plasma are ejected from the Sun and blasted into space – are fascinating to observe. But, if the next one hits anytime soon, you may not be able to share it with your friends on social media.

At the data communication conference SIGCOMM 2021, researchers from the University of California have warned that the next solar storm, whenever it hits, will likely cause an “internet apocalypse”, creating a worldwide internet blackout that could last for months. In a presentation titled “Solar Superstorms: Planning for an Internet Apocalypse”, the fast-moving cloud of magnetized particles ejected from the sun during a solar storm could cause severe damage to Earth’s existing internet infrastructure.

The Earth is constantly showered by particles ejected from the sun. Yet, most electronics on the planet work fine. That’s because Earth’s atmosphere acts as a shield, blocking much of the harmful radiation and charged particles and reflecting them away into space.

For decades, scientists have known Magnetized particles can disrupt the functioning of electronic devices, and wreak havoc on electrical grids. For the most part, Earth’s protective shield is sufficient to protect humanity’s fragile electronic infrastructure.

But once in a while, the sun spews out mass in sufficiently large quantities to blanket the Earth and overwhelm its atmospheric defenses. Yet, when the most recent solar storm occurred in 2014, the planet’s infrastructure came out on the other side pretty unscathed.

Hence, the new research presents at SIGCOMM 2021 is significant. The study says that most power grid infrastructure may not be significantly affected. Nor is the local internet infrastructure which uses fiber optics and is properly grounded. On the other hand, massive cables laid undersea to provide connectivity between continents will risk being severely hit.

A solar storm strong enough to disrupt even a few of these massive cables could result in a global blackout lasting for months.

Furthermore, researchers have pointed out that there has been very little data about Solar Super Storms. Large events of Solar storms have only been recorded three times in history. And the most recent solar storm, in 2014 was a minor occurrence.

During the most intense solar storm to have ever been recorded in history, which occurred in 1859 and is known as the Carrington Event, the Earth’s magnetosphere was blasted with so much solar mass, that it induced the largest geomagnetic storm ever recorded. Compasses around the world were recorded going haywire, while the Aurora Borealis, or the Northern lights was visible in Colombia, near the equator.

Cover Photo: Shutterstock

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2021-09-07 13:13:24Z

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