Rabu, 15 September 2021

Researchers create new ways to bioprint neuronal cells - Floridanewstimes.com

Credit: public domain

A group of researchers, including Dr. Concordia. Students have developed a new method of bioprinting adult neuronal cells. They use new laser-assisted technologies that maintain high levels of cell viability and functionality.

PhD candidates, 2020-21 public scholar Hamid Orimi, and his co-authors present the feasibility of the new bioprinting technology they have developed in a recent treatise published in the journal Micromachines. They explain how the methodology they created, called Laser-Induced Side Transfer (LIST), improves existing bioprinting techniques by using bioinks of different viscosities and enables better 3D printing. Is shown. Co-authors of Orimi, Concordia co-supervisor Sivakumar Narayanswamy of the Gina Cody School of Engineering and Computer Science, CRHMR co-supervisor Christos Boutopoulos, and Université de Montréal first published this method in the Nature journal. Science report In 2020.

Orimi co-authored with lead authors Katiane Roversi, Sebastien Talbot, Boutopoulos (UdeM), Marcelo Falchetti and Edroaldo da Rocha (University of Santa Catarina, Brazil).In it, researchers have demonstrated that this technology can be used to print sensations well. , An important component of the peripheral nervous system. They say this is promising for the long-term development of bioprinting potential, including disease modeling. And implant manufacturing.

Executable and functional

Researchers tested the technique using dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons from the mouse peripheral nervous system. Neurons were suspended in a bioink solution and loaded into square capillaries above a biocompatible substrate. A low-energy nanosecond laser pulse focused on the center of the capillary, creating microbubbles that expanded and ejected microjets containing cells onto the underlying substrate. The samples were briefly incubated, then washed and reincubated for 48 hours.

Credit: University of Montreal

The team then ran some tests to measure the size of the printed cells. The viability assay showed that 86% of the cells were alive 2 days after printing. Researchers say that the lower the energy used by the laser, the better the survival rate. Thermal machines associated with higher laser energy use were more likely to damage cells.

Other tests measured neurite outgrowth (which produces new projections as developing neurons grow in response to guidance cues), neuropeptide release, calcium imaging, and RNA sequencing. Overall, the results are generally promising, suggesting that this technology may make a significant contribution to the field of bioprinting.

Good for people and animals

“In general, when talking about bioprinting, people often jump to conclusions,” says Orimi. “They think we can now print something like this: For transplantation. This is a long-term goal, but we are far from that. However, there are still many ways to use this technology. “

The closest thing to hand is drug discovery. The team wants to get approval to continue research on cell transplants, which are of great help in drug discovery, such as nerve recovery drugs.

Another advantage of using this technique is that it reduces animal testing. Not only does this have a humanitarian aspect, but less animals are euthanized to perform experiments aimed at benefiting humans, but tests are performed on human tissues rather than animals. Therefore, more accurate results will be obtained.

Fresh 3D printing platform paves the way for tissues and organs

For more information:
Hamid Ebrahimi Orimi et al, drop-on-demand cell bioprinting by laser-guided side transfer (LIST), Science report (2020). DOI: 10.1038 / s41598-020-66565-x

Quote: Researchers obtained neuronal cells (September 15, 2021) obtained from https://medicalxpress.com/news/2021-09-method-bioprinting-neuron-cells.html on September 15, 2021. Create a new way to bioprint

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2021-09-15 17:27:58Z

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