Sabtu, 08 Januari 2022

Webb Space Telescope: First of Two Primary Mirror Wings Unfolds - SciTechDaily

Webb Primary Mirror Deployment

Webb Space Telescope Primary Mirror Deployment. Credit: NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center Conceptual Image Lab

Webb’s iconic primary mirror is taking its final shape. Today, the first of two primary mirror wings, or side panels, was deployed and latched successfully. Each side panel holds three primary mirror segments that were engineered to fold back to reduce Webb’s overall profile for flight.

The process of deploying the port side mirror wing began at approximately 8:36 a.m. EST. At approximately 2:11 p.m. EST, engineers confirmed that the panel was fully secured and locked into place, and the deployment was complete.

Now that the port side wing panel is locked in place, ground teams will prepare to deploy and latch the starboard (right side) panel tomorrow. Upon completion, Webb will have concluded its major deployment sequence.

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2022-01-08 05:23:46Z

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