Lunar and solar eclipses coming to a sky near you

Solar Eclipse. (Photo by © Can Stock Photo / solarseven)

Two big astronomy events are headed to North American skies over the next few weeks.

In the early morning hours of May 26, stargazers can catch a lunar eclipse when the full moon passes over the Earth’s shadow.

According to astronomer Gary Boyle, the partial lunar eclipse will begin around 5:44 a.m. (EST), when the moon is already below the horizon for most locations.

He said it will be best viewed in western Canada however, people in Southwestern Ontario might still get a chance to enjoy some of the show.

“People living in Southwestern Ontario will get to see a bit of a bite of the moon being taken out as the moon is setting in the western sky in the morning on May 26,” Boyle explained. “Unfortunately, that’s all we’ll get to see for this eclipse. The next, better eclipse will be coming in November for our neck of the woods.”

The lunar eclipse will coincide with the Full Flower Moon, which will appear to be the closest and brightest full moon of the year and one of 2021’s two supermoons.

Unlike solar eclipses, Boyle said lunar eclipses are safe to look at with the naked eye.

“You can always look at images in books and magazines,” said Boyle. “But to see one is really something to remember.”

Two weeks later, on the morning of June 10, there will be a partial solar eclipse at sunrise thanks to the alignment of the Earth, moon and sun.

Boyle said it will be a beautiful sight to see and a great photo op, if done safely. He added that people in southwestern Ontario will have one of the best seats in the house.

“We’re giving and taking on two of these events,” he said. “So [for the solar eclipse,] we’re well seated. The sun will be about 80 per cent covered during the largest coverage.”

Anyone attempting to look at the sun must take special precautions to avoid eye injury or blindness and Boyle said that sunglasses are not adequate protection.

The eclipse will be in progress when the sun rises at 5:35 a.m. and will reach its maximum extent at 5:40 a.m. before ending at 6:38 a.m.

According to Boyle, the next big astronomy event for stargazers will be the Perseid meteor shower in August.