Senin, 12 Juli 2021

How to see Venus and Mars align tonight with a unique coalescence of planets -

At the end of last year, Jupiter and Saturn treated Sky-Watcher once in a lifetime.Great joint, “When they were closer to the night sky than since the Middle Ages. And in January, the two largest planets of our solar system were joined by the third Mercury. Joining three planets..

Now it’s the turn of the cosmic neighbor closest to Earth. On Monday, July 12, Venus and Mars will align for the union of their own planets.

Our “sister planet” Venus (the planet with the closest orbit to Earth’s orbit) is sometimes called the “Morning Star” or “Evening Star” based on whether it is visible around sunrise or sunset. There is. This month is the latter A hellish hot world full of rocks It appears low in the west for 30 minutes after sunset.

With Venus all month long Mars, The other neighbors of the earth are getting closer and closer. According to NASA, an evening star and a red planet will appear in the sky, finger-width apart, on Monday night.

On July 12, Venus and Mars are only 0.5 degrees apart, or arm-length and about the width of the index finger.

NASA / JPL-Caltech

In June, NASA announced two New space mission It will move to Venus between 2028 and 2030. The upcoming trip will be the first NASA spacecraft to visit an “Inferno-like” planet in 30 years.

VERITAS and DAVINCI + beamback spectacular new images, maps, and other data to explore the planet’s surface and atmosphere and reveal why and how Venus has become inhabitable to life. I promise to do it.

Joint view

Venus and Mars appear to almost overlap in the evening sky on July 12, but still appear to be very close on July 13, just after sunset. When you hold your hand over the sky, planets will appear on both sides of your index finger.

According to NASA, Mars appears 0.5 degrees below Venus and dusk ends at 9:44 EST, so the pair is about 4 degrees above the west-northwest horizon. Mars will be set first, about 23 minutes later at 10:07 pm EST.

According to EarthSky, Venus looks very bright in the night sky, about 200 times brighter than Mars, and is easy to find due to its characteristic reddish tint. Telescopes or binoculars help visibility, but when the sun is low enough in the sky, both planets are clearly visible to the naked eye.

Venus and Mars will appear near each night until the closest, July 12.

NASA / JPL-Caltech

Timeanddate tracks the movement and visibility of the planet. This should be better than normal if the sky is clear and the horizon is unobstructed. It will take several years for Venus and Mars to realign, so be sure to check!

You can look for planetary arrangements with a thin crescent moon illuminated by only 10%, allowing clearer visibility of celestial phenomena. Following the confluence, Venus continues to move further to the left every night towards the bright star Regulus, away from Mars.

Also, from late Monday night to Tuesday morning, a near-Earth asteroid named 2019AT6 will pass through the Earth. It is 26 to 59 feet in diameter and is expected to pass through the Earth at 11,500 mph and approach 883,930 mph, or about 3. July.

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2021-07-12 12:55:43Z

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